Humpback Anglerfish
Actual size: 8 inches (female)
Humpback anglerfish are also known as black sea devils. Males, which are 5 times smaller than females, temporarily attach themselves to females to mate.
Actual size: 5 inches
The bumps on this deep-sea anglerfish help them sense the world around them. They use a glowing lure to attract prey.
Vampire Squid
Actual size: 1 foot
The vampire squid was named for the cape-like skin that connects its arms. It can flip its “cape” to reveal spines on the undersides of its arms.
Deep Sea Nudibranch
Actual size: 3 inches
Nudibranchs (pronounced “new-dih-branks”) are a type of sea slug. This species breathes through the frills on its back.
Atolla Jellyfish
Actual size: 7 inches
When threatened, the atolla jellyfish flashes a pattern of blue light. This attracts larger predators to eat whatever is attacking the jellyfish.
Anglerfish photo provided by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Humpback anglerfish, vampire squid, nudibranch, and jellyfish photos from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institution’s deep-sea explorations.
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