New York City Wetland

Great Egret Great Egret Great egrets wade into shallow water to search for prey. They wait until fish or frogs pass by, then quickly strike out with their beak to capture their prey.

American Beaver North American Beaver A beaver’s front teeth are orange because they are coated in iron-rich enamel. This protects their teeth as they chew through logs.


Raccoon The “mask” of dark fur around a raccoon’s eyes may help it see at night by absorbing light and reducing glare.

Red Fox Red Fox Red foxes hunt by sight, smell, and even sound! They can locate mice and other small animals burrowing underground using just their hearing.

Snapping Turtle Snapping Turtle Snapping turtles are named for their beak-like jaws. They eat whatever they can catch, as well as scavenging carrion.

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