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All Animals

Opening Later
Aardvark Carter Giraffe Building
African Painted Dogs African Plains On view outdoors, weather permitting.
Alligators World of Reptiles
Anaconda World of Reptiles
Bald Eagle Birds of Prey
Bee-eater World of Birds
Bison Bison Range
Brown Bear Brown Bears
Chinchilla Mouse House
Cobras World of Reptiles
Crocodiles, Nile Madagascar!
Ebony Langur JungleWorld
Flamingo, American
Flamingo, Chilean
Frogs World of Reptiles
Fruit Bat JungleWorld
Gelada Monkey Gelada Reserve
Gharial JungleWorld
Giraffes (indoor viewing) Carter Giraffe Building
Gorilla, Western Lowland Congo Gorilla Forest Congo exhibit is free Dec - March. Due to weather, animal viewing is limited. Gorillas have indoor exhibit areas but may choose to be out of view.
Inca Tern Sea Bird Aviary
Komodo Dragon Zoo Center
Lemurs Madagascar!
Malayan Tapir JungleWorld
Maleo World of Birds
Newt JungleWorld
Nyala African Plains
Otter JungleWorld
Owls Birds of Prey
Parrots World of Birds
Penguins Sea Bird Aviary
Père David Deer
Rhinoceros, White Zoo Center
Sea Lion Sea Lion Pool
Snow Leopard Himalayan Highlands
Tree Kangaroo JungleWorld
Tufted Puffin Aquatic Bird House
White-cheeked Gibbon JungleWorld
Zebra African Plains On view outdoors, weather permitting.
Closed Today
Lion African Plains
Tiger Tiger Mountain
Closed Seasonally
Aldabra Tortoises Zoo Center
Donkey Children's Zoo
Elephant Wild Asia Monorail
Giant Anteater Children's Zoo
Giraffes (outdoor viewing) African Plains If not outside, see Giraffes INDOORS at Carter Giraffe Building
Goat Children's Zoo
Mandrill Congo Gorilla Forest Off view in winter.
Monarch Butterfly Butterfly Garden
Okapi Congo Gorilla Forest Off view in winter.
Prairie Dogs Children's Zoo
Rhinoceros, Greater One-Horned Wild Asia Monorail
Sheep Children's Zoo
Sloth Children's Zoo
Zebu Children's Zoo